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This document describes different ways of using the liquibase-maven-plugin project. For more details, please see the Goals page.

Generic Plugin configuration information

See the following links for information about including and configuring plugins in your project:



The liquibase:assembleChangeLog goal constructs a changelog that includes other changelogs it finds in test scope (by default) throughout the project’s transitive dependencies. The changelogs that are included are included in dependency order.

This allows you to notionally break what would otherwise be a giant, monolithic changelog into small, modular pieces, and allows those pieces to combine together in the proper dependency order at, for example, test time, such that foreign keys and other cross-module concerns continue to work properly.

Getting Started

The first step in getting started with the liquibase:assembleChangeLog goal is to organize your projects’ changelogs properly in terms of dependency order.

Next, you’ll need to make sure they all have the same classpath resource name.

Finally, you’ll configure and run the liquibase:assembleChangeLog mojo/goal so that it will automatically discover all of these, sort them appropriately, and generate a master “aggregator” changelog that will include all the discovered fragments.

For this example, we’ll pretend that we have a person Maven project/artifact and an address Maven project/artifact that depends on the person artifact in compile scope.

Organizing Changelogs in Dependency Order

The person project, let’s say, will need a changelog that creates a person table in a database somewhere. Most notably, it will not create any address tables; we’ll leave that up to the address module.

Here’s what it might look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns=""
                   xmlns:ext="" xmlns:xsi=""
  <changeSet id="person:table_creation" author="ljnelson" logicalFilePath="person">
    <createTable tableName="person">
      <column name="id" type="bigint"/>
    <addPrimaryKey columnNames="id"

The address project, in turn, will need a changelog that creates an address table in a database somewhere, and, let’s further suppose, will have a foreign key reference of some kind to a previously constructed person table. Note that the address project will not take responsibility for creating this person table; it will only presuppose that such a table will already exist in the database by the time its own DDL activities begin. Here’s what it might look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns=""
                   xmlns:ext="" xmlns:xsi=""
  <changeSet id="address:table_creation" author="ljnelson" logicalFilePath="address">
    <createTable tableName="address">
      <column name="id" type="bigint"/>
      <column name="person_id" type="bigint">
        <constraints nullable="false"/>
    <addPrimaryKey columnNames="id"
    <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="person_id"

Naming Changelog Fragments

The changelogs in question will have to live in the artifacts produced by the projects in question, and, for the liquibase:assembleChangeLog mojo to be able to find them, will need to live in the same place in each .jar file, so that the plugin can discover them as classpath resources.

A good candidate for this location is the META-INF directory. Within that directory, we’ll place our Liquibase artifacts in a liquibase directory, and we’ll call our changelogs changelog.xml. So the final classpath resource name of the changelogs used in this example will be META-INF/liquibase/changelog.xml.

Consequently, we’ll place src/main/resources/META-INF/liquibase directories in both the person and address Maven projects, and will take our two changelog files from above and place them in files named src/main/resources/META-INF/liquibase/changelog.xml.

When we build these projects, the resulting .jar files will contain META-INF/liquibase directories at their root, with a single changelog.xml file in each.

Configuring the liquibase:assembleChangeLog Mojo

Now that we have two independent .jar files being produced by two Maven projects with Liquibase changelogs in them and a Maven dependency relationship between them but no other connection between them, we can set up the plugin to run.

Deciding on a Build Phase

The liquibase:assembleChangeLog mojo has several possible applications. For this example, we’ll build an aggregate changelog for integration testing. Consequently, since we’ll be generating a changelog for use at test time, we’ll bind this mojo to the generate-test-resources phase.

Activating the Mojo

Here is what the basic plugin activation stanza looks like with no configuration information other than phase binding:

      <id>Assemble aggregate changelog for integration testing</id>

Many configuration parameters (as described in the reference documentation) have sensible default values. Consequently, the configuration above will (conveniently enough!) look for changelog resources stored under the classpath resource name of META-INF/liquibase/changelog.xml, and will write its output file to ${}/generated-sources/liquibase/changelog.xml.