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In this ongoing series related to Java configuration, I’ve most recently covered what it might look like if you had a ServiceLoader that could take requests. I introduced the notion of a path, a sparsely populated pointer of sorts to objects in objectspace. Paths are not new, of course, and are present in everything from filesystems to JNDI to Jakarta RESTful Web Services.

In this post I’d like to dive a little deeper into how a path might be put together.

A path is used for addressing, so we want it to be as specific as we can possibly get it. What does that mean?

Many times when we think about paths we think of them as if they were simply names. Their elements, in this model, are simple strings, and they are separated by some kind of a separator, and that’s it.

This isn’t nearly enough for a configuration system addressing scheme. Weirdly, several different configuration systems take this approach, and it is exactly because they take this approach that they are deficient.

Let’s look back at JNDI again. While JNDI paths consist of name elements in a sequence, each element also has an environment. An environment in this system is just a bunch of key value pairs that “ride with” the path element (named Context in JNDI).

Or let’s look at Jakarta RESTful Web Services again. While paths there also consist of elements in a sequence, there are also headers and matrix parameters that might logically belong to each element in the sequence. More key value pairs, if you squint in the right way.

Finally, if you look at all paths in a certain way, you can see that at their absolute heart they are nothing more than key value pairs all the way down. They aren’t represented this way, of course, but fundamentally a JNDI Context with an environment that contains a = b and that is identified by a name of a/b/c is really just a collection of key value pairs that consists of {a = b, name = a/b/c}.

This insight is kind of important. It means that when a loader receives a request to load an object, it is, at some fundamental level, receiving an immutable set of key value pairs describing the request. Once you see this you can’t unsee it, and names-with-separators addressing schemes just don’t measure up.

It is nevertheless true that some of these key value pairs are often more important to the human reader than others. In the case of a JNDI Context, the name itself is quite important since you always have to have one and the way it is represented indicates the depth of a hierarchy that might or might not be present. Similarly, in Jakarta RESTful Web Services, the length of a path often tells you something, just by looking at it, about the specificity of the request. So representing the value of a hypothetical name key with a value that is a sequence of names makes some sense.

(Names, as frequently mentioned on this blog, always have implicit namespaces, so it’s important that paths’ names be able to be transliterated: if you, a class developer, decide that your path is going to have a name of a/b, and I, an application assembler, know that a/b is already spoken for by another class developer, then I have to have a way to reconcile this name clash.)

Similarly, there are plenty of implicit key value pairs that are part of a path even when the path builder doesn’t supply them explicitly. For example, the current Locale or operating system might very well be a key whose value might help a loader find an appropriate object. Frequently these sorts of situational parameter values are not explicitly supplied by a user, but are understood nevertheless to be part of the loading request. Making these of secondary concern seems like a good thing to do.

Finally, paths in all systems that use them have an implicit or explicit type. A filesystem path ends in a type (e.g. or java.nio.file.Path). A JNDI Name ends in a type, but Java lacked the syntax to fully describe it; you can see the footprints in the NameClassPair class. A Jakarta RESTful Web Services path (of type GET (oh look, another key value pair that rides with the request!)) terminates in an entity of a particular type. The type is, of course, just another key value pair, logically speaking (type = java.nio.file.Path), but is also a key value pair that is borne by all paths. So it might make sense to represent it explicitly and elevate its primacy.

When we put this all together we get something like this:

  • A Path is a sequence of Path.Elements.
  • A Path has Qualifiers that are the key value pairs that qualify it.
  • A Path’s final Path.Element has a type, which is also the type of the Path.
    • Other Path.Elements need not have a type.
  • Each Path.Element has a name.
    • A Path.Element must be able to be transliterated without changing source code.
  • Each Path.Element has Qualifiers that qualify it and no other Path.Element.
  • Any given Path.Element may or may not have a type, but a Path.Element that ends a Path must have a type.
  • A Path’s Qualifiers includes qualifiers that qualify the path as a whole as well as the appropriately-scoped Qualifiers from each of its Path.Elements.

Note that each Path.Element in the model described above does not have a type (paths can be sparsely populated). So this does not imply any kind of hierarchy, nor should it.

I’ve quietly introduced the notion of a Qualifiers, which is basically a read-only set of immutable key value pairs with a defined iteration order. A Qualifiers may be empty.

Again, just for the thought experiment, it’s worth remembering that a Path could be fully represented as a Map with required name and type keys that have non-null values. But for the reasons listed above it’s better to represent it as its own thing.

Since I’m proposing to build Paths around Qualifiers, the next post will dive into them a little more deeply.